SJSU ME 195a Full Scale Controls Team Individual Blog - Week of 9/26
Alex Krause SJSU ME 195a Full Scale Controls Team Individual Blog - Week of 9/26 The controls team made great strides on the project. The group met on Saturday and studied the existing controls system in more detail than last week, and we were able to pick out more places where improvements could be made, especially aesthetics and cable management. Justin Guro came up with a basic concept for how the motors should be hooked up to our Arduino/Pi. We are hoping to use two H-Bridges so that we can easily reverse the polarity of the motors so the carriage can easily transition from moving forwards to backwards. As per the course requirements, we created our Presentation #1, and as a result we were able to create a comprehensive gantt chart, focus our functional specification even further, and create a layout of our proposed circuit design. The group is excited that the full-scale bogie team said that there will probably be two bogies because this will give us more space to work with ...