
Showing posts from December, 2018

SJSU ME 195a Full Scale Controls Team Individual Blog - Week of 12/5

Alex Krause SJSU ME 195a Full Scale Controls Team Individual Blog - Week of 12/5 This was our last meeting of the semester. Throughout the course of the week, we met and talked about how to divide up all of our work for the final report. We did not do much in class because there were still groups that needed to give their Presentation #3 and then everyone dispersed once those were complete. From now until December 17th, the group will be working diligently towards fixing some minor issues with our prototype program and finalizing our final report. 

SJSU ME 195a Full Scale Controls Team Individual Blog - Week of 11/28

Alex Krause SJSU ME 195a Full Scale Controls Team Individual Blog - Week of 11/28 This week, we gave our Presentation #3. To prepare for this, over spring break the team worked on our rapid prototyping models. Alan and I worked on the position tracking prototype and Justin worked on the brushless DC motor prototype. For the position prototype, we were able to connect a Hall effect sensor and a rotary encoder to talk to each other, and we programmed the prototype to print out the total distance the rotary encoder has traveled, and once the rotary encoder passes in front of the Hall effect sensor, the program prints the distance since the last Hall effect sensor. The motor prototype was working and Justin was able to control the speed of the motor with a potentiometer, but we had some technical difficulties before our presentation so we were not able to show the prototype working during our presentation. We gave a successful presentation, and for the rest of the semester we will ju...