SJSU ME 195b Full Scale Controls Team Individual Blog - Week of 5/1
Alex Krause SJSU ME 195b Full Scale Controls Team Individual Blog - Week of 5/1 This past week, our team was finally able to make a lot of working components come together into a working system. With the wireless communication working, we were able to move onto figuring out how to controls the motors remotely. I started working with a simple 12-bit DAC so that the Arduino could send a solid analog signal into the throttle control of the motor controller. I was able to make it output a specific voltage, and then i was able to combine it with the wireless transceiver to control the speed of the bogie wirelessly by turning a potentiometer. With that working, all of the components of our controls system were working, so this last week will be focused on putting stuff together in an organized manner, cleaning wiring up, and working on the main program for the system.